


Termites are wood eaters and they can cause significant damage to homes and other wooden structures. There are three different types of termites: drywood, subterranean, and damp wood. Because of their different habitats and behaviors, specific control measures are used for each type of termite.

Subterreanean Termites

Drywood Termites



The cockroach is considered to be the most successful animal on Earth and the longest-living insect on the planet. They are considered to be most active at night as they search for food and water, including crumbs trapped in cracks and spilled drinks. Cockroaches do not necessarily bite people; however, cockroaches shed waste products that can get into the air you breathe. Indoor cockroach infestations may cause allergy and asthma symptoms to get worse.

Periplaneta americana

Blatella germanica



Ants are social insects that usually reside in underground colonies with a queen and workers. While they will consume almost everything, ants are drawn to sweets in particular. Certain species can bite, while others can ruin wood structures. Although ants play important roles in nature, they do not belong in people’s homes.

Blackhouse Ant

Weaver Ant


Bed Bugs

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on human blood at night, causing itchy bites. They hide in mattress seams and crevices, and eradicating them often requires professional pest control.

Cimex Lectularius


Flying Insects

Common flying insects like house flies, blow flies, mosquitoes, phorid flies, and moth flies can disrupt homes and businesses, posing health risks and annoyance.


Blow Fly


Phorid Flies

Moth Fly



Rodents, including rats and mice, are common pests that can cause significant damage to property and pose serious health risks by spreading diseases. They contaminate food, gnaw on wires and structures, and reproduce rapidly, making prompt and effective pest control essential.

Norway Rat

House Mice

Roof Rat


Stored Product Pests

Stored product pests like the Cigarette Beetle, Red Flour Beetle, and Confused Flour Beetle are common insects that infest food products in storage. These pests can cause significant damage by feeding on stored products, leading to food waste and contamination.

Cigarette Beetle

Red Flour Beetle

Confused Flour Beetle


Other Insects

Other insects like wood boring beetles, ticks, and fleas can cause extensive property damage and health issues, making effective pest control crucial.

Bukbok/Wood Boring Beetle




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